Thursday, May 17, 2007

Call for participation

Here is Professor Pawley's original call for a SLIS conversation on information studies and global warming:

Dear Colleagues,
Last week the University Committee sent out a questionnaire to faculty and academic staff as a first step towards engaging the university community in the issue of global warming. I know that many of us at SLIS are already very concerned about this, and anxious to think of ways in which we can contribute to sustainable solutions. If you haven't already filled out the questionnaire, I urge you to do so--it only takes a minute or two.

As well as responding as individuals, perhaps we can also think of ways in which we as educators and specialists in the field of information can help the university's sustainability project. I would be happy to help coordinate any effort that we decide to mount.

We have chosen "the global information environment": as one of the key areas of SLIS focus. There can be no more pressing global problem than that of climate change. A 2005 article in the British newspaper The Independent on Sunday described humanity as "Sleeping Walking to the End of the Earth" (also available at -- still an unfortunately accurate description of many people's state of awareness in 2007. Surely information educators and professionals have an important role to play in the waking up process.

I would like to start a conversation on how we at SLIS can be involved. If you agree, please let's start talking.


Christine Pawley Ph.D.

Associate Professor, School of Library and Information Studies

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